1971  Alaoceras Ruzhentsev & Bogoslovskaya: 250.

Type species: Alaoceras bajtalense Ruzhentsev & Bogoslovskaya, 1971, p.251 [OD].

A-F: Like Pachylyroceras, but with umbilical notches; spiral ornamentation weak.
G:   Ventral lobe narrow at its base; sides of ventral lobe considerably diverging.

[Ruzhentsev & Bogoslovskaia, 1971, p.250: Conch subdiscoidal  to pachycone.  Whorls
moderately involute.  Umbilicus wide or moderately wide.  Umbilical seam closed by
test material with a thin groove alongside of it.  Sculpture consists of sharply outlined
lamella, very weak, sometimes disappearing lirae and elongated proturbances on the
umbilical walls.  Normally 1-2 constrictions per revolution are present.  Ventral lobe
quite wide, sides rapidly parting.  Height of the medial saddle is less than half of
the whole lobe.  First outer saddle wide, with a tightly rounded prong.]