1885  Waagenia Krotov: 205 [homonym, non: Neumayr,1878,  Bayle,1878, Kriechbaumer,1874].
     1888  Waagenina Krotov: 474.
     1940  Stacheoceras.-Miller & Furnish: 129.
     1940  Waagenina.-Ruzhentsev: 118.
     1957  Stacheoceras.- Treatise: L53.
     1960  Waagenina.- Ruzhentsev: 231.
     1962  Waagenina.- Osnovy: 396.
     1972  Waagenina.-Davis: 76 [with mature modifications].
     2002  Waagenina.-Leonova: S83.

Type species: Arcestes antiquus Waagen,1879,p.28, SD Miller & Furnish 1940, p.131 [published: March 15, 1940]. [Ruzhentsev designated Nov.4, 1940 Waagenia subinterrupta as type species of Waagenina.]

The group of Waagenina antiqua is regarded as belonging to Stacheoceras Gemmellaro 1887, the species group around W. subinterrupta as MartocerasTumanskaya 1938.